The cutting edge of plastic surgery research
The Division of Plastic Surgery at UCLA Health leads in pioneering research, focusing on the development of advanced surgical techniques and the exploration of new treatment options. Our commitment to innovation consistently delivers improved patient outcomes and expands the possibilities of plastic surgery.

Our research focus areas
- Advanced techniques and innovation, including microsurgery and the refinement of existing treatments and therapies.
- Medical technology, including implantable devices.
- Post-surgical care, including wound healing.
- Reconstructive surgery, including breast reconstruction, craniofacial surgery, reconstructive techniques, and the safety and efficacy of reconstructive surgery.
- Regenerative medicine, including stem cell biology and bone regeneration.
Our research labs
Please note that this page is currently being updated to include more information about our research labs.
Lee Lab
Led by Principal Investigator Dr. Justine C. Lee, MD, PhD, FACS, the Lee Lab develops innovative solutions for patients with craniofacial differences caused by congenital or genetic conditions, traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, strokes, or aneurysms. Our research focuses on two key areas:
- Craniofacial Regeneration Laboratory: Pioneering safe, practical materials for single-tissue regeneration to advance craniofacial reconstruction.
- Craniofacial Outcomes Research Team: Evaluating long-term surgical outcomes to improve psychosocial functioning in children with congenital craniofacial differences.
Interested in advancing craniofacial research with us? Apply to join our lab as a postdoctoral or research fellow, or become part of our clinical research team by filling out an application.
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